Insights on Proxmox

What can be found here

This has now turned out into a stash of notes and observations, some of which you might find useful:

Proxmox and free software

These pages once started with a single snippet post on NO subscription notice removal in a reaction to censorship of the official channels.   This was despite the supposedly free license having been chosen for the product itself - Proxmox VE can be legitimately obtained by any user under the AGPL license   - a choice Proxmox have made themselves.

The original post - alongside all the others - are now here to bring up the awareness of the meaning of “free” in “free software” - the freedom to modify a piece of software, amongst others.

As for the other meaning of “free”, please consider that as a non-commercial user, you already support Proxmox by running off the no-subscription repository, a pre-production environment where any bugs you help identify early offload their own Quality Assurance workload. This way, you also help Proxmox keep their suite free of charge.