Popup nag removal - manual

Proxmox VE nag removal, manually

Last updated
Brief look at what exactly brings up the dreaded notice regarding no valid subscription. Eliminate bad UX that no user of free software should need to endure.

This is a rudimentary description of a manual popup removal method which Proxmox stubbornly keep censoring.

Fresh install

First, make sure you have set up the correct repositories for upgrades.


All actions below preferably performed over direct SSH connection or console, NOT via Web GUI.

Upgrade (if you wish so) before the removal:

apt update && apt -y full-upgrade


Upgrade after removal may overwrite your modification.


Make a copy of the offending JavaScript piece:

cp /usr/share/javascript/proxmox-widget-toolkit/proxmoxlib.js{,.bak}

Edit in place around above line 600 and remove the marked lines:

--- proxmoxlib.js.bak
+++ proxmoxlib.js
     checked_command: function(orig_cmd) {
 		url: '/nodes/localhost/subscription',
 		method: 'GET',
 		failure: function(response, opts) {
 		    Ext.Msg.alert(gettext('Error'), response.htmlStatus);
 		success: function(response, opts) {
-		    let res = response.result;
-		    if (res === null || res === undefined || !res || res
-			.data.status.toLowerCase() !== 'active') {
-			Ext.Msg.show({
-			    title: gettext('No valid subscription'),
-			    icon: Ext.Msg.WARNING,
-			    message: Proxmox.Utils.getNoSubKeyHtml(res.data.url),
-			    buttons: Ext.Msg.OK,
-			    callback: function(btn) {
-				if (btn !== 'ok') {
-				    return;
-				}
-				orig_cmd();
-			    },
-			});
-		    } else {
-		    }

Restore default component

Should anything go wrong, revert back:

apt reinstall proxmox-widget-toolkit

Manual pages:  apt
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