Proxmox Corosync fallacy

The Proxmox Corosync fallacy

Last updated
Distinguish the role of Corosync in Proxmox clusters from the rest of the stack and appreciate the actual reasons behind unexpected reboots or failed quorums.

Unlike some other systems, Proxmox VE does not rely on a fixed master to keep consistency in a group (cluster). The quorum concept of distributed computing is used to keep the hosts (nodes) “on the same page” when it comes to cluster operations. The very word denotes a select group - this has some advantages in terms of resiliency of such systems.

The quorum sideshow

Is a virtual machine (guest) starting up somewhere? Only one node is allowed to spin it up at any given time and while it is running, it can’t start elsewhere - such occurrence could result in corruption of shared resources, such as storage, as well as other ill-effects to the users.

The nodes have to go by the same shared “book” at any given moment. If some nodes lose sight of other nodes, it is important that there’s only one such book. Since there’s no master, it is important to know who has the right book and what to abide even without such book. In its simplest form - albeit there are others - it’s the book of the majority that matters. If a node is out of this majority, it is out of quorum.

The state machine

The book is the single source of truth for any quorate node (one that is in the quorum) - in technical parlance, this truth describes what is called a state - of the configuration of everything in the cluster. Nodes that are part of the quorum can participate on changing the state. The state is nothing more than the set of configuration files and their changes - triggered by inputs from the operator - are considered transitions between the states. This whole behaviour of state transitions being subject to inputs is what defines a state machine.

Proxmox Cluster File System (pmxcfs)

The view of the state, i.e. current cluster configuration, is provided via a virtual filesystem loosely following the “everything is a file” concept of UNIX. This is where the in-house pmxcfs   mounts across all nodes into /etc/pve - it is important that it is NOT a local directory, but a mounted in-memory filesystem.


There is a more in-depth look at the innards of the Proxmox Cluster Filesystem itself available here.

Generally, transition of the state needs to get approved by the quorum first, so pmxcfs should not allow such configuration changes that would break consistency in the cluster. It is up to the bespoke implementation which changes are allowed and which not.


A node out of quorum (having become inquorate) lost sight of the cluster-wide state, so it also lost the ability to write into it. Furthermore, it is not allowed to make autonomous decisions of its own that could jeopardise others and has this ingrained in its primordial code. If there are running guests, they will stay running. If you manually stop them, this will be allowed, but no new ones can be started and the previously “locally” stopped guest can’t be started up again - not even on another node, that is, not without manual intervention. This is all because any such changes would need to be recorded into the state to be safe, before which they would need to get approved by the entire quorum, which, for an inquorate node, is impossible.


Nodes in quorum will see the last known state of all nodes uniformly, including of the nodes that are not in quorum at the moment. In fact, they rely on the default behaviour of inquorate nodes that makes them “stay where they were” or at worst, gracefully make such changes to their state that could not cause any configuration conflict upon rejoining the quorum. This is the reason why it is impossible (without overriding manual effort) to e.g. start a guest that was last seen up and running on since-then inquorate node.

Closed Process Group and Extended Virtual Synchrony

Once the state machine operates over distributed set of nodes, it falls into the category of so-called closed process group (CPG). The group members (nodes) are the processors and they need to be constantly messaging each other about any transitions they wish to make. This is much more complex than it would initially appear because of the guarantees needed, e.g. any change on any node would need to be communicated to all others in exactly the same order or if undeliverable to any of them, delivered to none of them.

Only if all of the nodes see all the same changes in the same order, it is possible to rely on their actions being consistent with the cluster. But there’s one more case to take care of which can wreak havoc - fragmentation. In case of CPG splitting into multiple components, it is important that only one (primary) component continues operating, while others (in non-primary component(s)) do not, however they should safely reconnect and catch-up with the primary component once possible.

The above including the last requirement describes the guarantees provided by the so-called Extended Virtual Synchrony (EVS) model.

Corosync Cluster Engine

None of the above-mentioned is in any way special with Proxmox, in fact an open source component Corosync   was chosen to provide the necessary piece into the implementation stack. Some confusion might arise about what Proxmox make use of from the provided features.

The CPG communication suite with EVS guarantees and quorum system notifications are utilised, however others are NOT.

Corosync is providing the necessary intra-cluster messaging, its authentication and encryption, support for redundancy and completely abstracts all the associated issues to the developer using the library. Unlike e.g. Pacemaker,   Proxmox do NOT use Corosync to support their own High-Availability (HA)   implementation other than by sensing loss-of-quorum situations.

The takeaway

Consequently, on single-node installs, the service of Corosync is not even running and pmxcfs runs in so-called local mode - no messages need to be sent to any other nodes. Some Proxmox tooling acts as mere wrapper around Corosync CLI facilities,

e.g. pvecm status   wraps in corosync-quorumtool -siH

and you can use lots of Corosync tooling and configuration options independently of Proxmox whether they decide to “support” it or not.

This is also where any connections to the open source library end - any issues with inability to mount pmxcfs, having its mount turn read-only or (not only) HA induced reboots have nothing to do with Corosync.

In fact, e.g. inability to recover fragmented clusters is more likely caused by Proxmox stack due its reliance on Corosync distributing configuration changes of Corosync itself - a design decision that costs many headaches of:

  • mismatching /etc/corosync/corosync.conf - the actual configuration file; and
  • /etc/pve/corosync.conf - the counter-intuitive cluster-wide version

that is meant to be auto-distributed on edits, entirely invented by Proxmox and further requires elaborate method of editing it.

Corosync is simply used for intra-cluster communication, keeping the configurations in sync or indicating to the nodes when inquorate, it does not decide anything beyond that and it certainly was never meant to trigger any reboots.

Manual pages:  corosync-quorumtool
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